RadiusPoint generated a 587% ROI on TEM/UEM services on average for our clients in FY 2018. ROI is measured and verified against the weekly and quarterly reports created from the monthly billing audits performed on ExpenseLogic™.
ExpenseLogic, our business intelligence SaaS platform, audits vendor invoices on a monthly basis. The software provides our clients’ management team a line-item audit encompassing services for telecom (incl. landlines, data circuits, and wireless services) and utility (gas, trash, water, electrical services).
RadiusPoint provides our clients a quarterly report enabling them to view actual cost avoidance measurement as weel as credits obtained on vendor invoices or vendor refunds reimbursed by check. Credits are verified as the next invoice is audited. Additionally, we provide a view of all invoices processed to allow our clients to measure cost savings through RadiusPoint’s bill processing services.
Categories of date included in each report:
- Cost Identified & Canceled
- Cost Identified Billing Outside of limits
- Errors Identified & Credited
- Errors Identified & Removed
Billing audit process and ROI
Our team of billing analysts research each line item included on these reports. When errors are identified, we use a proactive approach to resolve disputes. Telecom and utility vendors’ billing always contain errors and RadiusPoint’s team of experts uses proven processes to identify them.
Once errors have been communicated to the vendor and reconciled, the vendor creates a credit or refund instance which is immediately entered into ExpenseLogic to avoiding future costs for those same charges.
These charges are detailed and reported to our clients when the credit on the invoices appears or when the refund check is received.
This process is just one of the many ways we provide a positive ROI on TEM/UEM services and impact our clients’ bottom line. RadiusPoint has become a leading actor in the TEM services market, with a very high client satisfaction rating with 93% 5-star reviews in the Gartner TEM Representative Vendors Report.
Founded in 1992, RadiusPoint is a leading provider of Telecom Expense Management (TEM), Managed Mobility Services (MMS/MDM/WEM), and Utility Expense Management (UEM) services. Headquartered in Orlando, Florida, RadiusPoint’s portfolio of business and technology solutions to help clients from a broad range of industries improve their business performance worldwide.
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