RadiusPoint Privacy Policy

RadiusPoint has drafted this document, which details how we gather and disseminate Non HR data, in an effort to demonstrate our strong commitment to online privacy. Please contact us if you have any questions about our privacy policy.

Use of Internet Protocol Address

RadiusPoint uses your Internet protocol (IP) address for several purposes: to help diagnose problems with our server, to administer our Web site and to help identify you and your approved access to our software, ExpenseLogic. This information will not be shared with any third party.

Use of Registration Information

Our site’s registration area requires customers to supply contact information, such as name and e-mail address, demographic information, and company information. We use this information to send you promotional materials from our company about our services and our software. However, users may opt out of or opt in to these promotional e-mail messages at any time. (See Opt Out/Opt In, below.) This information will not be shared with any third party.

Use of Demographic Information

RadiusPoint also collects profile data and questionnaire data that we use to tailor our marketing or training material based on your needs. This information will not be shared with any third party.

Sharing of Information

RadiusPoint does not currently share any information with third parties therefore the provision regarding liability for the actions of agent processors does not apply because our organization will not transfer personal information to third parties.


RadiusPoint features security measures to protect the loss, misuse or alteration of information placed under our control. The information collected is housed within the RadiusPoint application, ExpenseLogic and is stored in a secure environment within the RadiusPoint firewall.

Opt Out/Opt In

RadiusPoint allows users to opt out of receiving e-mail from us. To opt out of our mailing list you can use the Unsubscribe icon to be removed from any future contact.


This site contains links to other sites. RadiusPoint is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of these sites. RadiusPoint does not disclose or provide any information gathered to any third-party organizations concerning users or user’s organizations that access www.RadiusPoint.com. RadiusPoint will comply with requests for information by public authorities for law enforcement or national security reasons to the extent such disclosures are permissible under applicable law.

Data Privacy Statement

RadiusPoint has drafted this document, which details how we gather and disseminate Non HR data information, in an effort to demonstrate our strong commitment to data privacy. Please contact us if you have any questions about our privacy policy.

RadiusPoint collects non HR data information from the employee’s employer to set up access for the employee to view their monthly invoices from the various vendors that RadiusPoint is managing for the employer. RadiusPoint provides the employee with a user name and password to access their data in ExpenseLogic, the proprietary software, on a monthly basis. The non HR data collected from the employer includes the employee name and cost center number that the employer uses to identify the employee for cost allocation. This information is used only to match the employees with their monthly vendor invoices.

Information collected from the vendor may include the employee’s call details from their long distance or mobile phone use. If an employee does not wish to view their data collected from the various vendors managed by RadiusPoint the employee can opt out of viewing this data by notifying Customer Service at RadiusPoint™.

Customer Service number 1-866-382-1336 or bizsupport@radiuspoint.com


Information collected is stored in the RadiusPoint application, ExpenseLogic with secured access by user name and password. Information is obtained from the vendor by either electronic or paper means. This information is downloaded directly from the vendor in a secure environment. Data is accessed by RadiusPoint employees for the purpose of audit and to answer questions that they employee may have about their data. All employees of RadiusPoint sign a Non-Disclosure to further protect information.


Access to personal information is provided by RadiusPoint to the employee 24×7 unless system maintenance is being performed, which may occur once per month for no more than 6 hours. Employer will determine the employees that will have access and will provide those names and cost center numbers to RadiusPoint. RadiusPoint will then provide the employee with a user name and password to gain access to the data collected from the vendor.

Google reCAPTCHA Policy

We use Google reCAPTCHA on our website to enhance security and prevent unauthorized access by automated bots. This service is provided by Google LLC and helps us ensure that interactions on our site are legitimate and secure. The use of reCAPTCHA is subject to Google’s privacy policy and terms of service. By using our website, you agree to be bound by Google’s privacy policy and terms of service in addition to our own privacy practices. For more information on how Google handles user data, please review their privacy policy at Google’s Privacy Policy.


RadiusPoint commits to resolve complaints about our collection or use of your personal information. Individuals in the European Union with inquiries or complaints regarding our privacy policy should first contact RadiusPoint at:

Jessica Day

Vice President of Operations

1211 State Road 436, Suite 297
Casselberry, FL 32707

The following steps will begin at the point of notification by the person.

  1. RadiusPoint Client Relations Manager will be notified of the potential breach to begin the investigation.
  2. RadiusPoint will first investigate to determine how the information was used inappropriately and will report back the findings to the individual within 24 business hours.
  3. If it is determined a breach has occurred, RadiusPoint will remedy the breach within 8 business hours of determining the cause of the breach.
  4. Any employee of RadiusPoint that is involved or has been the direct result of the breach will be subject to immediate termination.
  5. RadiusPoint will put into place a mechanism to eliminate the breach for future users.

Individuals have the right to access their personal data. RadiusPoint will work with its corporate client to limit the use of the individual’s personal data.

Contact Us

If you have any additional questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please contact us:


Fax: +1-407-657-2102
1211 State Road 436, Suite 297
Casselberry, FL 32707