RadiusPoint Announces Clients’ ROI of 572% for First Quarter of 2019

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Orlando, FL July 11th, 2019—RadiusPoint, the leading technology, and utility expense management provider, has announced a remarkable Return on Investment (ROI) of 572% for their clients for the first quarter of 2019. This ROI was the result of RadiusPoint’s monthly audit of invoices and optimization of the services that accumulate into Costs Avoided and credits refunded.

As the telecom and utility vendors provide invoices, errors are inevitable and will occur. RadiusPoint’s intelligent cloud-based SaaS, ExpenseLogic, performs a line item audit for telecom services by wireline and wireless numbers, data circuits as well as utility services by meter number, electricity, gas, and trash, keeping vendors in check with how they are billing the services.

RadiusPoint’s priority is to not only identify those errors on a monthly basis but also reconcile with the vendor to return the overcharges and verify savings with the vendors. A quarterly report is prepared for each client using Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) to track spending levels and ROI to ensure that their partnership with RadiusPoint is beneficial to their organization.

When errors are identified and reconciled with the vendor, a credit or refund situation is created, avoiding future costs for those same charges. These charges are detailed and reported to the client when the credit on the invoices appears, or when the refund check is received. Thus, the clients’ bottom line is impacted with a positive ROI.

To learn more about RadiusPoint expense management services, visit RadiusPoint©

About RadiusPoint

Founded in 1992, RadiusPoint is a leading provider of Telecom Expense Management (TEM), Wireless Expense Management (WEM), Mobile Device Management (MDM), and Utility Expense Management (UEM) services. With corporate headquarters in Orlando, Florida, RadiusPoint© provides a broad portfolio of business and technology solutions to help its clients improve business performance worldwide.

For additional information, please contact:

Savanna Chrostowski

