Using a Telecom Expense Management (TEM) SaaS like ExpenseLogic™ can save organizations some 30%+ on telecom expenses in Year 1 (source: Gartner Research). During our TEM consulting mission with your business, we focus on four domains.

Invoice Management

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Audit & Optimization

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Inventory Management

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Reporting & Analytics

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Industries We Serve


capital building


business people walkthrough work environment with laptop


Man and woman review restaurant details on tablet


doctor smiles and talks to mother and daughter


team reviews laptop screen with graph overlays


airplanes in hanger


retail store manager views analytics


student raises hand in classroom

Scope of a TEM Mission

RadiusPoint manages the entire lifecycle of the Telecom Expense Management (TEM) and/or Technology Expense Management, from the order placement, verification of installation, set up for cost allocation, monthly invoice audit, cost optimization to payment of each invoice with RadiusPoint’s expert team.

Order Placement

Installation Verification

Invoice Receipt

Cost Allocation

Invoice Audit

Cost Optimization


Typical TEM Benefits

We spent the last 30 years helping clients manage their telecom, IT, and utility expenses, outsource their invoice processing, and reduce labor costs through leaner processes. We guarantee your organization will receive the following benefits:

  • Drive telecom/utility costs down
  • Optimize costs through efficient vendor management services
  • Save on HR costs by eliminating inefficient, labor-intensive invoice processing tasks
  • Identify overcharges, avoid billing errors and late fees, get refunds from vendors
  • Optimize expense reporting on only 1 SaaS platform for better business intelligence and faster cost-cutting decision-making
  • Optimize procurement of telecom equipment through accurate asset inventory management
  • Optimize telecom & IT equipment purchase practices through a streamlined approval process
  • Build up cost avoidance by identifying undetected sources of waste
  • Eliminate legal liabilities by integrating corporate policies in your equipment purchase approval process
  • Measure accurately the ROI of your TEM/UEM provider through real-time KPI reporting

The benefits of our SaaS platform are fully expressed because we “walk the extra mile” for our clients. In her off-the-cuff testimonial, this executive highlights what she finds value in the quality of service we deliver to her organization.

Complimentary TEM Consultation

In this economy, there is no better time to cut down unnecessary telecom expenses and eliminate costly redundant labor. But where do you start the process?

Implementing TEM with ExpenseLogic

Efficient TEM & ROI

Invoice Management

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From automating receipt to automating payment of your telecom invoices, our ExpenseLogic™ Saas platform saves on labor and payroll costs.

Audit & Optimization

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Monthly line item audits ensure invoices are either correct or disputed. Full invoice details enables review & cost trimming. Our clients only pay for services they need.

Inventory Management

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Our TEM solution gives full visibility of your IT assets. This speeds up decision-making as your organization continues to expand.

Reporting & Analytics

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Big data helps teams make better decisions. ExpenseLogic provides the reporting level and granularity needed for rapid, spot-on decision-making.

TEM: Summarized Case Studies

Factors That Impede Your Inventory Efforts

Factors That Impede Your Inventory Efforts Creating and maintaining an inventory of your telecommunications services, invoices, and vendors is a substantial undertaking that demands consistent attention to detail. Ensuring the cleanliness and accuracy of this inventory is a challenging task, often requiring dedicated daily efforts. Engaging the services of a Telecom Expense Management (TEM) company […]Read More

Unlock Cost Savings Through Telecom Expense Management

Unlocking Cost Savings: How Telecom Expense Management Can Benefit Your Business In today’s fast-paced business landscape, optimizing costs is a top priority for organizations across industries. One area where significant cost savings can be unlocked is telecom expenses. However, managing telecom expenses efficiently can be a complex and time-consuming task for businesses of all sizes. […]Read More

$100K+ in Cost Savings with TEM & Support Desk Services

This case study shows how a manufacturer succeeded in generating cost savings of…Read More

Vendor Managed Services: Why Tread Carefully

Each year, new vendors enter the telecom managed services market, offering what is called…Read More

AP/Ordering Process Automation Nets 448% ROI

Healthcare organizations are contending with increasing costs, decreasing revenues…Read More

Acquisition & TEM: a Brief Case Study

elecom Expense Management Saves $1.3M Simply Identifying Unnecessary Services

Client Profile:

A nationwide salvage automotive company on a growth-by-acquisition track.

TEM Challenge:

The business made 5 acquisitions within a year. As Accounts Payable were consolidated within the same business unit, invoices were paid without review. The scope of our mission was focused on telecom invoices and telecom vendors’ contracts. The challenge was to trim costs down while giving management full visibility on telecom services and contracts.


Our client’s management team was focused on mapping out the ROI of their acquisitions and securing additional benefits during the first 4 months of the acquisitions. RadiusPoint was brought on board for its expertise in telecom expense management and to bring about the business intelligence necessary for the management team to access the right information and make informed, value-generating decisions. Having the right level of support helped our client drive their acquisition projects smoothly to their intended results.

Results of our TEM mission:

  • 25 toll-free numbers identified that did not belong to our client – $18,000 in yearly savings
  • 400 phone numbers moved to the corporate LD account contract rates – $120,000 in yearly savings
  • $1.3MM in savings in Year 1 over 5 acquisitions

In the framework of our Inventory and Audit Services, RadiusPoint identified billing errors on vendor contracts signed by unauthorized personnel, and services rendered unnecessary as locations, services, and assets were merged. For each acquired company, RadiusPoint inventoried all numbers, circuits, and services charged billed to that business. This line-item inventory and audit were key in generating savings of $1.3 MM.

Additional notes:

RadiusPoint handles all tasks related to Accounts Payable during an acquisition integration phase.

Working in cooperation with acquisition due-diligence specialists, RadiusPoint ensures business continuity for our clients with regards to their telecom services and billing, as telecom invoices consolidated from acquired companies are seamlessly reviewed, processed, and paid to vendors.

RadiusPoint provides:

  • Benchmarking of costs and detailed cost identification to stop any overspending
  • Plans to move from some of the higher cost space to lower-cost space
  • Restructuring of logistics, and elimination of redundant warehouse space
  • Implementation of new cost-saving procurement processes

Pairing your M&A team with RadiusPoint saves time to your team, fast-tracks your acquisitions and helps to ensure a seamless transition. We remain at the disposal of your management team: Get answers. Book a complimentary TEM demo with our specialists here.

Discover How Our TEM and BPO Services Help Your Organization


RadiusPoint publishes detailed case studies on TEM/UEM & MMS missions we carried out for clients. Discover the challenges other organizations face, how we tackled them, what tangible results were obtained, and the ROI our intervention generated.

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