Information Technology Asset Management

IT Asset Management | ITAM
IT Asset Management RadiusPoint keeps track of your IT Assets and Inventory utilizing our cloud-based SaaS, ExpenseLogic. With our Complete Asset Repository, we manage your wireless devices, routers, PBX systems, cloud devices and more. If you do not know what resources you have, it’s impossible to use those effectively.
Eliminating unneeded lines, streamlining services, and tracking equipment from a central location can result in significant cost savings as assets are catalogued by each site.
Your company’s equipment is housed by Cost Center or location number or Employee ID with defined serial numbers, connecting the Accounting side to the Asset Management side.
- Complete Asset Repository
- Assets Catalogued by Site
- Defined Serial Number
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MACD Ticketing System | ITAM
MACD Ticketing System Moves, Adds, Changes, and Deletes (MACD) can cost your organization thousands of dollars when managed improperly. Our ExpenseLogic Provisioning tool fashions a similar approach to Amazon’s Tailored Shopping Experience as it facilitates order placement directly within the software, providing complete tracking from start to finish.
Our complex order capability allows custom or multiple orders of new devices with automatic approvals based on your company’s hierarchy. Similar to Amazon, you can choose which device you need online, add to cart, and complete the order within seconds.
- Tailored Amazon Style Shopping Cart Experience
- Complex Order Capability
- Order Authorization Where Needed
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Expense Audit | ITAM
Expense Audit Billing errors are the scourge of an efficient organization, and most companies don’t have the time or personnel for auditing and reconciliation of every invoice. RadiusPoint’s proprietary software, ExpenseLogic, takes the guesswork out of auditing and reconciling invoices on a monthly basis.
Limits are set for each line item on and then audited against on each and invoice for maximum vendor accountability. We also audit against contract rates and at circuit level as well as maintain current inventory of your company’s assets.
- Monthly Line Item Audit
- Contract Rates Audit
- Audit At Circuit Components Level
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Invoice Processing | ITAM
Invoice Processing RadiusPoint’s Invoice Processing services tracks the entire lifecycle of an invoice using our Cloud based SaaS, ExpenseLogic platform. We manage the accuracy, processing, and payment of your telecom invoices and accurately allocates services and equipment costs so you are not overpaying.
The reporting system in the ExpenseLogic platform allows you to drill down expenses in real time by Type, Cost Center, Location, Vendor, User, Region, etc. The managed services solution reconciles the invoices down to the line item level to immediately identify overcharges.
With the creation of a GL Interface File, RadiusPoint interfaces with your companies accounting software such as Great Plains, SAP etc.
- Allocation of Service & Equipment Cost
- Management of Invoice Expenses
- GL Interface File
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Provisioning | ITAM
Provisioning RadiusPoint’s Provisioning services involve preparing and equipping new services to our clients by managing, activating, and delivering accounts for enterprises locations across IT equipment and teleco orders.
Our order management takes an end-to-end approach to auditing current telecom and utility services, activating new services, installing verification on devices and managing delivery in an environment made increasingly complex by third parties, multiple vendors and multiple technologies
Businesses cannot have a strong network base without strong support. Organized wiring provides the nerve center for businesses to communicate internally and externally. RadiusPoint delivers the best solutions to your doorstep with accurately labeled and clean structured on-site wiring.
- IT Equipment & Telco Orders
- Order Placement & Install Verification
- On-Site Wiring
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Reporting Analytics | ITAM
Reporting Analytics Business Intelligence drives capabilities to a new level of information. Utilizing the latest in technology and tools, ExpenseLogic transforms your raw data into immediate cost savings and meaningful insight through real-time detailed reporting via dashboards, Excel files, PDF’s, etc. to give granular views into your Telecom, Wireless, and Utility Invoices through reporting analytics.
The robust reporting system allows for queries and filters to get you to your information faster.
Root Cause Analysis Reporting in SQL Ad Hoc Query is also available for creating organizational customized reports. The SQL Query allows each field in ExpenseLogic to be queried for any length of time.
This granular reporting can be tailored to fit your business model and be exported directly to your company’s designated employee daily without the hassle of having to create the reports themselves.
- Root Cause Analysis Reporting
- SQL Query
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Contract/Lease Management | ITAM
Contract/Lease Management Managing the contract is the first step in ensuring that the rates promised during the sourcing and proposal process are being delivered. It assures and that any rate changes and discounts are realized on your bottom line. With RadiusPoint, all contracts can be attached in the software for easy desktop retrieval.
Our contract management database maintains contract terms, automated email notification prior to the expiration date, and rate auditing against set limits for Exception reporting.
We also offer lease management services for Real Estate, Fleet and Equipment by using a combination of contract and inventory and asset management. Without a proper lease management repository, you and your organization are at high risk and not in full control of supplier obligations, associated costs, contract terminations, or regulatory compliance.
We ensure each client consistently maintains accurate information & detailed reporting across all contracts and assets with the ability to see their location information tied to site equipment as well as any changes that will occur over the life of the lease on one east to use platform, ExpenseLogic™.
- Contract/Lease Repository
- Expiration Email notification
- Information Tied to Site & Equipment
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Network Monitoring | ITAM
Network Monitoring Network Monitoring encompasses a broad range of solutions. RadiusPoint offers routine network support such as WAN, Desktop and SLA Credit Request management. SD-WAN stands for Software Defined Wide Area Network and are being embraced as the network of choice across the nation. It is vital companies are informed on the variances in WAN based on their network requirements.
Due to this, a number of questions have risen that RadiusPoint can answer.
We also provide desktop support as our managed IT services plan is designed to cover all aspects of technology as it relates to your business and will manage any SLA Credit Requests issued by your company.
- WAN Management
- Desktop Support
- SLA Credit Request Management
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