businessman with calculator and papers at office

Utility Analysis Reporting

At RadiusPoint, we conduct a full Utility Analysis and Audit for the entire energy development lifecycle. We identify the best path in efficiency by requesting a complete history from utilities, evaluating risk profile as well as all usage data and creating a savings proposition based on newly calculated usage curves (i.e gallons of water, therms of natural gas).

By using Site and date comparisons, our dedicated Utility team can identify spikes in usage and locations that are trending with higher usage than other locations of the same size or that are billing outside the contract rates.

We understand the importance of remaining up to date in the Utility industry and with the upward trend in the IT world, RadiusPoint aims to provide the utmost Business Intelligence through cutting edge technology, knowledge and bid data analytics utilizing our intelligent SaaS, ExpenseLogic.

  • Identify best path to efficiency
  • Site and date comparisons reporting
  • Business intelligence utility big data

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Energy Conservation And Sustainability

We believe successful businesses need an effcient way to track their energy trends across each location, but many times have few resources to do so. RadiusPoint alongside Energy Professionals can provide a strategic plan that incorporates clarity through multiple data points, coupled with actionable insights from our industry leading technology solutions to create procedures that increase savings and efficiency.

Our software utilizes live data monitoring, our energy intelligence software collects and analyzes data trends in real-time. With these sustainable measures in place, we can instantly respond to your system’s needs and react to any peak demand charges. In return, your business will dramatically lower its overall energy usage.

As technology has evolved, our goal has grown to reduce energy consumption and costs for clients. Detailed reporting coupled with insight from our team of experts; we will help you through the implementation of energy efficient projects and maintenance of equipment, yielding energy conservation and cost savings.

  • Decrease carbon footprint
  • Reduce demand on national grid
  • Onsite renewable generation

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wind turbines in the field
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Utility Monitoring

Utility costs rank as one of the highest expenses to manage but are typically not a priority for management. Monitoring your company’s Utility bills is crucial because let’s face it, money wasted is incredibly futile in a world with such easy access to technology and knowledge.

RadiusPoint provides transparency on how a customer uses energy to create a blueprint for what measures to take next. Our proprietary software, ExpenseLogic, tracks and stores all utility data to ensure on-time payments while comparing against activity for vacant cost recovery.

By analyzing your energy consumption, we can develop a plan to control or reorder processes to eliminate or reduce excess.

Also, with peak shaving or shifting load, we can control how energy is being used. This refers to the process of lessening the effects of large energy blocks during a period of time by delaying the effects until the power supply system can accept the additional load, resulting in lower utility bills each month.

  • Control to reduce
  • Reorder process to reduce
  • Shifting load, peak shaving

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Utility Procurement

Procuring utilities and managing related risks presents unique challenges and in order to assess all energy opportunities, there are things to keep in mind than simply comparing prices.

Energy Deregulation can be defined as having the option to choose where you purchase your natural gas or electricity from. Before this, you were forced to buy energy from the local utility company. Now, there are certain areas in the US that are deregulated and here at RadiusPoint, we are committed to obtaining the best available solutions and rates from those supplies in deregulated markets for our clients.

Our partnership with Energy Professionals as well as our Demand Response Solutions allows our clients to be confident they are making the best green energy procurement decisions. With upward technology trends, we offer cutting edge options, so you can control energy budgets.

We create a comprehensive strategy tailored to your energy goals and objectives by building long-term energy roadmaps based on what truly fits your business model. Across all vertical markets, we carefully analyze existing use patterns, historic costs, tariffs, market trends and more.

  • Retail sales and brokering of electricity and natural gas and deregulated markets
  • Demand response solutions
  • Time of use & procurement of green energy
  • Risk management and long-term energy roadmaps

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electric meters in a row measuring power use
young woman working with cup of coffee

Utility invoice processing

At RadiusPoint, we enhance the process of augmenting every aspect of Utility Invoices to include Electric, Gas, Water/Sewer and Waste. By taking a holistic approach, we oversee the complete lifecycle of utility invoices, managing initial audit of your utility invoices to vendor disbursement.

Our intelligent software, ExpenseLogic, creates a line item detail for each charge on the invoice and will flag any overages detected against limits set. This saves a tremendous amount of time filtering through thousands of line item details on each invoice which can easily take up all of your staff’s time.

ExpenseLogic also creates the GL Interface file to interface with our clients accounting software (i.e. SAP, J.D. Edwards, Great Plains, etc.) for exact cost allocation, gaining visibility into invoices, expenses and services through high level or detailed reports.

  • Complete Lifecycle of utility invoices
  • Line Item detail for each charge on the invoice
  • GL Interface file for exact cost allocation

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Site and Utility Equipment Database

Our Site and Utility equipment data base includes a large variety of tools to help you make intelligent business decisions. Through granular reporting and analytics, we actively manage your energy consumption, producing revenue opportunities as well as reducing risk and operational effects tied to outages.

Using smart controls like automation of lights, security and monitoring, we gain insight on how to manage the demand side of customer’s energy service. For example, smart meter solutions enable real time communication for meter reading, benefiting customers with faster interaction and more control of their energy usage to save money and reduce carbon emissions.

Additionally, devices like smart grids and smart meters fall into a new category named Industrial Internet of Things, or IIoT. IIoT refers to the connection of machines and devices in the gas, power and utility industry. By providing maintenance of equipment, micro grids and smart meters, we are utilizing IIoT as a way to connect these machines to maximize your profits while minimizing costs.

  • Granular Reporting by site
  • Smart controls & Smart meter solutions
  • Industrial internet of things (IIoT)

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architect in helmet looks at blueprints
call center woman help desk service

Help Desk

Many enterprises have 100+ locations and thousands of Utility invoices to manage. Such a large amount of line item details can be hard to keep up with, but with our Help Desk Services, RadiusPoint offers a ticketing system so you can outsource any Moves, Adds, Changes and any Disconnects (MACD’s).

For new sites, we can open and close any service so you are not paying for energy consumption that may have closed without your knowledge. We ensure all locations are held accountable and for any site issues, we diagnose problems and will troubleshoot all existing services.

  • Ticketing System
  • Open & Close service for sites
  • Troubleshooting for site issues

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Utility Audit

RadiusPoint will save you time and money with our superior Utility Expense Management solution by managing the initial audit of your utility invoices to vendor payment. Our streamlined services built into our cloud-based SaaS, ExpenseLogic™ include invoice processing, tariff/contract auditing, energy consumption, and reporting Bid Data analytics with benchmarking and optimization in the deregulated states.

Our proprietary software, ExpenseLogic audits based on consumption and thresholds as the system reviews each line item on the utility bill to detect invoice errors. By locating potential leaks before it becomes a problem, we can recover credits owed by vendors within the correct time frame, so you do not have to back track months to receive what is owed to you.

  • Audit based on contract or tariff rate
  • Audit based on consumption
  • Audit against $ thresholds

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